Tips To Exfoliate Skin

Who Scrubs Up: Tips To Exfoliate Skin This September

Exfoliate Skin

We're continuing our spring clean your body theme this week with some advice on how to exfoliate skin, so you're ready to leave winter behind.

Ways To Exfoliate Skin

2015 has been an exciting year for exfoliators! With the excellent news that many skincare companies are beginning to phase out nasty plastic microbeads, you might have found yourself asking "How do I get the best scrub now?". Were you one of the many people who found yourself stranded in a sea of exfoliating scrubs? We're here with some tips on how to use body scrubs and exfoliating scrubs to help your skin!

Scrub Exfoliators

Everybody knows this gang of exfoliators - the sugar scrubs, the salt scrubs, the coffee exfoliators; primarily the ones that have a scrubbing ingredient built into the recipe. Jump into the shower, wash, break out the body scrub, then rinse away the granules! If you've chosen the right body scrub, it should stimulate your skin without being too damaging, and shouldn't leave the skin dry and taut. Our Spirulina Salt Scrub is a cream based salt scrub, meaning that it will both exfoliate and hydrate your skin. Finding a hydrating scrub such as this is the best method to use if you're worried about drying out your skin, or if you have sensitive skin that is easily damaged. This category also includes the polyethylene/HDPE/microbead scrubs, but we're ignoring them in favour of the more natural scrubs that aren't filtering into our waterways. Best option if you've got sensitive, dry, or mature skin; or if you're worried about damaging your skin from a too-harsh exfoliator.

Dry Brushing

Some will tell you that dry skin brushing is a member of the exfoliating family. Others will tell you that it stands alone, that it should be considered as an outsider of the exfoliating scrub family due to the lack of water used in getting rid of dead skin. And many people will look at you blankly, wondering what dry brushing is. Dry skin brushing has been around for thousands of years and is best performed first thing in the morning with a natural bristled brush, followed by a shower to wash off dead skin. A dry body scrub can be more effective than a wet exfoliating scrub in promoting circulation. The downside to this method is that it can be harsh on mature or sensitive skin and is not recommended for facial exfoliating. This is one to consider if you're in an area with shower restrictions or if you've got the tougher younger skin.

Chemical Exfoliators

Chemical exfoliators are most commonly found hanging out in face products, but you might be one of the people who also use them with your body exfoliator. You might be familiar with terms such as AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids), BHAs (beta hydroxy acids), salicylic acids etc. These aren't as scary as the names might suggest - they go in guns blazing and react with the skin to help peel off the outer layers of dead skin. They can be great for exfoliating, but some skin will respond to the stripping nature of these exfoliators. The other consideration with chemical exfoliators is the price tag, a good chemical exfoliator doesn't always come cheap. These are best suited for those that want a powerful exfoliator, and know their skin can handle it! What method suits your skin best? Do you have any exfoliating tips for the Botáni readers? We'd love to know!

Win salt scrub


Want the chance to try Botáni's Spirulina Salt Scrub? For your chance to win a Spirulina Salt Scrub, worth $24.95 'Like' our Facebook page and 'Share' the post about this week's blog with your friends. Let us know that you've done this by posting a comment below answering Warwick's questions about body exfoliating. Make sure you include your Facebook name so we can contact you if you win!*

*Competition is only open to Australian residents. All winners will be requested to complete a review of the awarded product. Entries are open from September 7th - 11th, 2015. We will announce the winner by Facebook on Friday, September 11th 2015.

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