I always hated the term 'summer body' because I associated it with perfect little-tanned bikini bodies. But this is far from everyone's reality. It's about being confident with what you have. With a little help from nutritious food and natural personal care products!
Summer is well and truly here. For you, it might mean a dreaded phone call to your waxing lady, with visions of fly-infested visits to the park with kids, or a welcome vision of beach volleyball and cocktail-infused soirées. However your 'summer' is here are a few skin-things to remember to keep that skin in tip-top shape, no matter what your shape.
Self Love For Your Summer Body
First and foremost it's time for some self-love. You might not have that perfect 'bikini body' but who cares. Love it anyway it's yours forever! Accept and love your body no matter what shape, size, texture or colour.
Scrub, Scrub, Scrub
A good skincare routine, whether face or body, can be summarised in two steps, exfoliate and hydrate. Your body usually plays second fiddle to your face, well mine does anyway. So this is a great time to catch up on the exfoliate stage. Grab a good scrub; we can certainly recommend one, that won't dry your skin out. Use this two to three times a week in summer for smooth pegs.
Replenish That Moisture
We're all familiar with the term 'dehydration'. Well, our bodies can often suffer worse than our face. This is because parts like hands, feet, elbows, legs can get extremely dry when they are continually exposed to elements daily. Pop a bottle of body moisturiser in your bathroom and try to make it part of your daily shower ritual to hydrate as soon as you come out of the shower. I don't know about you, but I hate that sticky feeling of putting on clothes with 'wet' moisturiser so get one that instantly absorbs like the Olive Hand & Body Cream.
Give Your Hands A Helping Hand
Our hands can often suffer the worst because of hand washing, hand sanitiser, and all the things that our hands do daily! Pop a handy tube of Olive Hand & Body Cream in your handbag for instant hand hydration on the go!
Glow On The Go
If you're spending your summer 'beaching' or travelling, be sure to pop my number one travel companion in your bag. Coconut Glow Hair & Body Oil is my amazing travel buddy because it hydrates, without feeling greasy and it makes my skin look like I've just had an expensive wrap at the spa. Additionally, it is perfect for my wet beach hair too.
Please do NOT forget to slip, slop, slap! Hat, clothing and an excellent SPF 30+ (or higher) natural Zinc based sunscreen are essential. And re-apply every few hours!
Safe Tanning
There's no way to tan 'safely' out in the sun. If you must, grab a fake tan from our mates over at Flora & Fauna.
So get out there and enjoy your Summer safely and confidently with that smooth, glowing body and more importantly - have fun! Be grateful each day, enjoy each precious moment and soak up everything beautiful that Summer brings. Queensland Mangoes - yum!
Do you have any Summer rituals or tips you can share with us below? Author: Sandra