International Women's Day is a global day, celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women all around the world. And there are plenty of inspiring women to be recognised. It's not just about identifying high achieving women. It's ALL of us. Yes, you! And me. And your best friend. Your sister. Your mum. There are inspirational women everywhere! In our daily lives, we all have many different roles and responsibilities to juggle. Take today for example. I should have been being sitting at my desk, at the office writing this blog post, but I was sitting on the couch with my laptop, at home with my sick little boy, with Peter Rabbit playing the background, for the 50th time. And tonight after my kids are fed, washed and in bed, and I've done the dishes, I'll try and catch up on today's work and squeeze in a couple of hours of study. It's a juggling act!
International Women's Day Balance
There is no doubt about it. It can be challenging balancing daily life and all the different roles; wife, sister, daughter, carer, step-mum, girlfriend, head of operations, AKA running a home, entrepreneur, career woman, mother (which includes an extensive list of jobs in its self, such as home economist, nurse, family chauffeur, counsellor, party planner, negotiator of disputes, etc., the list goes on.
Whatever your role is, International Women's Day is about celebrating you!
Celebrating International Women's Day
It got us thinking, who is the female that most inspires you and makes you want to be a better person? Is it a public figure? Businesswomen? Friend or family member? I asked a couple of our team members, and this is what they shared with me.
Barbara Filokostas, Botani Founder
My sisters and mum have always been a great source of inspiration. But outside them, Oprah for having created her success and using this for good and helping other women on their journey to be the best they can be and dream big! One of my favourite quotes from her is "Follow your instinct, that's where true wisdom manifests itself'.
Sandra La Scala, Business Development Manager
Mothers inspire me, since becoming a mother two years ago, I have a new found respect for mums and admire their strength, resilience and ability to juggle one million things at once, and put on so many different hats. As women, our feminine energy is caring, nurturing, loving and an incredible source of creation. We all have fantastic strength, resilience and power beyond our imagination! So tell us who is the female that inspires you and why? We'd love to know.
It seems only fitting that in celebration of International Women's Day we giveaway a crown! One lucky reader will win the stunning one-of-a-kind, botanical-inspired crown, in the above photo, specially created for Botani by Leanne Bonello of Cailin Alainn. You can read more this beautiful piece in our Party Essentials blog post. Along with this, the winner will also take home a Botani gift pack, which follows our natural 3 step skincare process: Cleanse, treat and hydrate. The package (valued at $69.85) includes:
How To Enter
- You must be signed up to our newsletter (if you are not already you can signup here).
- Follow us on Instagram (if you are not already you can follow us here at @botaniskincare).
- And leave a comment below and let us know: What female inspires you and why?
- You can enter only once.
- Open to Australian residents only.
- Winner will be drawn at random and contacted via email (provided when you subscribe).
- Competition closes Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 5 pm (EST).
- Winner announced Thursday, March 17 2016.