Your gut health and skin have a unique relationship. Specifically, your gut bacteria have an integral part to play in the radiance and health of your skin. An unhealthy balance of gut bacteria often causes skin issues such as acne and rosacea. Although gut health is a trending topic, maintaining a healthy gut has been at the core of many healthcare professionals protocols for a vast array of health conditions. Many digestive symptoms including bloating, abdominal pains and irregularity of bowel movements are often a sign of poor digestion. Improving the health of your gut may help with these digestive symptoms as well as many health conditions including flu, depression, fatigue, headaches, liver health, skin issues, autoimmune diseases, food and seasonal allergies. Many studies and health experts suggest that approximately eighty per cent of your immune system is within your digestive system. So let's dive into an array of wellness tips to help improve your gut health and enhance your beautiful skin.
Tips To Improve Your Gut Health
There are many toxic chemicals which cause skin sensitivity, and by using
natural and organic skincare products, you may prevent these sensitivities, prevent skin issues and enhance your beautiful skin. As well as a
regular skin care routine these gut health tips may also improve your skin.
Dietary Tips
Create a nourishing diet filled with delicious seasonal whole foods and combine your foods correctly. At each meal enjoy an abundance of seasonal vegetables, protein, healthy fats and good complex carbohydrates.
Limit inflammatory foods such as wheat, gluten, dairy, meat, sugar, coffee, soda, energy drinks, alcohol, processed foods (aka the white stuff)
as these foods may amplify your stress response, inflammatory levels and exacerbate your symptoms of digestion and skin issues.
Insoluble and soluble fibre to keep your bowel movement regular.
Insoluble fibre you will find in foods such as nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables(skins on).
Soluble fibre is in beans, peas, avocados, fruit, and oats. Foods to help improve your digestion include natural yoghurt, cottage cheese, pickles, miso, tofu, natto, tempeh, tamarin, and sourdough bread.
Foods which may have anti-inflammatory properties include essential fatty acids, turmeric, berries, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, avocados, green tea, peppers, nuts, seeds and extra-virgin olive oil. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir,
kimchi, kombucha and miso all contain live cultures and may enhance the health of your gut.
Enjoy prebiotic-rich foods including flaxseed, leafy greens, oats, onion, garlic and leeks. Bone broth as it is fantastic for healing and soothing your gut.
Homemade, organic bone broth is full of essential nutrients, minerals, gelatin and amino acids.
Fermented foods such as kombucha, apple cider vinegar, greek yoghurt,
kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut.
Remove all foods which your body has an allergy or an intolerance.
Ask your health care professional for a food allergy test to identify and remove these foods. If you have a health condition, it is always best to ask your healthcare professional before changing your diet.
Antibiotics create havoc with your gut microbiome.
Your gut is an entire system of microbiome consisting of trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms.
Healthy gut microbiome enhances the optimal functioning of your digestion, metabolism, weight, immunity, skin and brain.
Antibiotics change the ecology of your entire
gut microbiome by not only killing your harmful infectious bacteria, but they also destroy your good bacteria.
Killing these good bacteria may be contributing to the rise of many health conditions such as asthma, acne, rosacea, eczema and obesity.
Most importantly a healthy gut seems to lower levels of inflammation.
While or after taking a course of antibiotics, it is vital to protect your gut, restore your good bacteria and remove an overgrowth of yeast which may be present.
Many experts suggest probiotics may help restore optimal digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients. Eat only when you are relaxed, not while you are working or watching television.
Before eating, take a few deep mindful diaphragm breaths to calm your nervous system and help your body relax and focus on digesting your food.
Slowly chew your mouthful of deliciousness for at least fifteen times or more to encourage your body to release essential digestive enzymes.
Above all these digestive enzymes begin the process of optimal digestion by starting the break down of your food.
Drink clean, purified water regularly throughout your day. Try drinking 35 ml of water per kg of body weight.
Add a slice of fresh lemon and a slice of fresh ginger to help alkalize your body.
If you drink a cup of coffee or alcohol, add an extra glass of water to your daily quota.
Avoid drinking while eating your food as fluids dilute your digestive enzymes and stomach acid.
Cleansing regularly helps to reset your entire digestive system.
Studies suggest that
aloe vera may help ease digestive issues, assist with internal cleansing and improving your digestion.
By cleansing, you will be improving the health of your liver which is responsible for beautiful skin.
Daily exercise is essential for optimal well-being, gut health and digestion.
Stress Release
Reducing and managing stress is vital for protecting your gut and for
healthy skin.
Yoga is fantastic for stress release, and there are many yoga postures, especially twisting poses, which help improve your digestion.
Whether you have skin issues or not, we would all benefit from protecting and improving the health of our gut.
We hope these tips help improve the health of your skin.
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