Breathe a sigh of relief as Botani delivers all-natural solutions to help fight the war on acne. Acne is almost considered a dirty word these days, only muttered in hushed tones in the company of those we love and trust. However, I'm gearing up to shout it from the rooftops this month to remove the stigma and embrace our ability to work with our skin to clear it. What is this word?
ACNE. Once a thing associated with angsty teenagers, a social right of passage into the adult world, acne has always been the phase all teens prayed their hormones kept at bay. However, in recent years this trepidation has been adopted by people of all ages, as acne has begun to develop in the later stages of life as well.
Check Ingredients In Your Skin Care
That's why I'm here over the coming weeks to explore how we can reduce the impact that acne has on our skin, with the assistance of Botani's
all natural skincare range, clearer skin is only a month away. To get you started though, I'm going to head back to the age-old question that is continually asked here at Botani, what are the ingredients in it? You've heard us harp on about it before in
previous blogs, but with good reason, because the ingredients in your skin care products do affect the outcome, you will receive. Too often we hear from customers who have experienced exacerbated symptoms due to the quick fix ingredients found in mainstream acne care ranges. In particular, there is one ingreBenzoyl Peroxidedient that we are all too familiar with, but all too complacent about, Benzoyl Peroxide.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Now we've done the background check on this one for you - Benzoyl Peroxide is an organic compound in the peroxide family, most commonly known for its uses in acne treatment products. However, Benzoyl Peroxide is also used as a bleaching agent, and as a hardener in the painting industry. Known side effects of using Benzoyl Peroxide for the treatment of acne include dryness, flaking, redness and burning of the skin. Not to mention the bleaching of any towels, bedding or clothing that it comes into contact with. And these side effects aren't surprising when we look at the way Benzoyl Peroxide treats acne. It acts as a peeling agent, increasing skin turnover to clear pores and reduce bacteria. I will let you pass your verdict on Benzoyl Peroxide as an additive to acne treatments. However, I will also tell you that there is an all-natural alternative available in the form of Botani's
Rescue Acne Cream.
Botani's Rescue Acne Cream
The Rescue Acne Cream uses potent plant actives such as Golden Seal, Lemon Scented Tea Tree Oil and Echinacea to calm the redness and irritation that acne induces. What's more, it has a 99.99% kill rate on the acne causing bacteria, P.acne, in just 30 minutes! Approved by the Therapeutic Good Administration of Australia the Rescue Acne Cream is recognised as both a safe and effective treatment for acne. And it manages to do all of this without any known side effects to your skin. Except of course the reduction in the appearance of your acne. To find out more about how it works
click here. While you're at it check out how the Rescue Acne Cream was able to help four Botani customer's with their acne symptoms
here. Stay tuned over the next few weeks as I bring you more tips on how to fight acne - the natural way of course. Jenna @ Botani x
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